Find your purpose at iRetreat Portugal

Jun 20, 2024

Published in MapLifestyle Magazine

Author: Brad Bloom


Andrew Gregory, a typical Londoner, is still at his desk well past regular hours. The city’s night lights glimmer outside his window, mirroring the screen’s glow on his weary face. He just wrapped up a Zoom call with his Atlanta counterparts – their afternoon merging into his late evening.

He pops open a can of Coke and tears into a pack of fish and chips from Hobson’s Original British Fish & Chips, his preferred choice in the bustling metropolis. Andrew eats hurriedly, driven by hunger and the mountain of work awaiting him.

Amidst his rushed meal, a sharp pain strikes, disrupting his focus. The discomfort, a dull presence throughout the day, now demands his full attention. Andrew’s frustration boils over, and he tosses the remnants of his meal into the bin – a symbolic gesture mirroring his current state of life.

Leaning back, a mixture of exasperation and a plea for change escapes him in a whisper, “God, I can’t keep doing this.” Little did he know, this moment of despair was a turning point. Looking back now, from his fulfilling life at iRetreat in Portugal, Andrew believes it was more of a prayer that night, one that was heard and answered, leading him to a life rich in faith and purpose.

Desperation took Andrew to explore alternative ways – he went to multiple retreats and sought the wisdom of many experts and ‘’gurus’’, gaining precious experience and knowledge which finally helped him make his health a priority.


First step was to detox and purify his body and mind from all the toxins and pollution of the physical world that he was constantly being exposed to, be it unhealthy food from the supermarket or the environment growing up in London which felt totally detached from nature.

Andrew embarked on a transformative journey toward holistic body cleansing and detoxification. He explored various dietary changes, from vegetarianism to fruitarianism, and integrated nutritious juices, smoothies, and deliberate fasting into his routine. Witnessing remarkable improvements in his health and well-being, Andrew felt compelled to share these insights and experiences. He established a clinic in North London, offering natural holistic treatments like colon hydrotherapy and herbal medicine. His venture also included a pioneering salad and juice bar, which later evolved into a modern clinic.

Please Note: While Andrew’s journey and the methods he used were beneficial for him, it’s important to remember that everyone’s body is different. Detoxification and dietary changes can have varying effects. It’s crucial to seek God’s guidance and wisdom through prayer, especially when navigating the often confusing and complex world of detox and health. As mentioned in James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.” Consulting with healthcare professionals and considering one’s unique health circumstances is also advised before embarking on any significant changes to diet or health routines.


Soon enough this path took him to explore spiritual teachings of Vedantic and eastern philosophies. While fasting, vegetarian food and natural detox provided him with clear and visible improvements, there was still a part missing.  

His desire he thought was to reach a state of enlightenment. Something that New Age Spirituality and Eastern Philosophies promised.

Andrew felt like the only part left to purify in him was his soul.

While those Philosophies helped him reach a sense of calm, emptiness, peace, and detachment, he realised that there was more to life – something was still missing. This was the moment he started questioning ‘enlightenment’ was the true path and whether all those teachings are honest in their promise to bring meaning and purpose into his life.

As it often happens, the true Light comes into our lives in the moments of darkness, and the Truth being revealed in times of despair.

So it happened to Andrew, when he first encountered Jesus Christ through the Jehovah’s witnesses. They helped Andrew learn about Christ and what He’s done for humanity. He started reading the Bible and praying to God to show him the true way.

Our merciful Father in Heaven, as He always does with those, who come to Him with humbleness and devotion, answered Andrew’s prayers.

One day, as Andrew sat blankly gazing at his computer screen, a profound realisation dawned on him. It was the kind of moment that was less about a sudden ‘aha’ and more about a deep, soul-stirring revelation, like a quiet yet powerful whisper from Christ himself, gently nudging him to seek a greater purpose beyond the confines of his screen and the chaos of the city. This was the moment Andrew realised that there’s much more he can do to help those in need. In 2020 he sold his clinic in the UK and moved to Portugal permanently, where he acquired a plot of land some years before, in a beautiful remote location, surrounded by olive trees and natural rock formations.


Here the idea of iRetreat was born. A safe space for those, who seek natural solutions to their health problems, iRetreat is not your typical detox retreat, it’s a ‘’second home’’…but healthier! Here Christian and non-Christian families and small groups can fully immerse in a process of rejuvenating their bodies, minds and souls.

As the day begins, guests are greeted by the tranquil beauty of Portugal’s countryside at sunrise, providing an opportunity to connect with God in peaceful solitude. Following this reflective start, guests might engage in a gentle exercise routine with differing levels of intensity, harmonising physical wellness with spiritual calm. The exercises are crafted to meet the needs and levels of each individual, whether you’re a fitness pro or a beginner. After the morning activities, guests gather for a wholesome juice or smoothie, prepared with fresh, local ingredients. Lunchtime at iRetreat is an experience of fellowship and sharing, where guests can enjoy nutritious food while engaging in meaningful conversations that strengthen their faith and bonds with one another.

iRetreat’s comprehensive wellness experience includes specialised treatments such as colon hydrotherapy and full body massages, known for their stress-relieving and restorative benefits. This treatment is designed to cleanse and detoxify, promoting overall digestive health and well-being.


Beyond the structured wellness therapies, iRetreat offers a range of facilities and activities for guests to engage in, enriching their experience further. The retreat is equipped with serene outdoor spaces and cozy lounges, ideal for relaxation and contemplation. Guests can unwind by the pool, bask in the sun on scenic terraces, or take a leisurely stroll through lush gardens, which are perfect for personal reflection.

For guests seeking a quiet retreat, the reading room provides a peaceful haven, filled with a selection of books and comfortable seating, perfect for getting lost in a good book or engaging in personal Bible study. Additionally, iRetreat offers an arts and crafts area, where guests can explore their creativity, partake in therapeutic art activities, or join craft workshops – a wonderful way to relax and express oneself. For those looking for leisure and entertainment, the games room is a lively space equipped with a variety of games and activities, fostering fun and fellowship among guests.

iRetreat’s facilities are designed not just for rest but for holistic engagement, allowing guests to choose how they spend their time before and after therapies, whether in quiet solitude or in the company of others. This flexible approach ensures that each guest’s stay at iRetreat is both rejuvenating and personally fulfilling.


iRetreat’s mission, deeply rooted in Andrew’s personal journey and faith, is to offer families a nurturing space where health and faith are woven together in a meaningful tapestry. True wellness extends beyond the physical; it’s a blend of emotional, spiritual, and communal well-being. This approach is grounded in Christian values, reflecting Andrew’s own transformative experience, and aims to create an environment where families can not only rejuvenate physically but also connect deeply with each other and God.

It’s not just about providing a retreat; it’s about fostering a community where every family member feels supported and valued. From tailored wellness programs to diverse, family-friendly facilities, every aspect of iRetreat is designed with a heartfelt intention to enrich lives. It’s not about grandeur or boasting successes; it’s about humbly serving each guest with compassion, understanding, and a shared journey towards a balanced and fulfilling life.

Today, Andrew, alongside his loving wife Rosie and their daughter Sofia, steers iRetreat with a spirit of grace and compassion. With Christ at the centre of their hearts, they navigate life’s challenges with steadfast faith, guiding them in their noble mission. Together, they are dedicated to helping others discover a path to health, deepen their faith, and purpose. This beautiful family embodies the essence of iRetreat, shining as beacons of hope and inspiration for all who seek a more fulfilling life.

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